
Archisearch Talks
Archisearch Talks

Kristian Skovbakke Villadsen. Green Talks

GREEN TALKS : A new series of talks by ECOWEEK, Archisearch.gr and The Design Ambassador.

Welcome to the GREEN TALKS, the new series of Podcasts co-hosted by Vassilios Bartzokas creator of ARCHISEARCH.GR & the DESIGN AMBASSADOR, and architect Elias Messinas creator of ECOWEEK. In this new series the duo interviews leading Architecture and Design personalities who share their experience and how they connect Design, Sustainability and Innovation in their work.

Today our guest is Kristian Skovbakke Villadsen, Associate Partner and  Director at Jan Gehl in Denmark and China. Kristian is an architect operating in the span between political will and  urban design, which realizes people’s visions in the everyday life of cities. His focus is on social, economic and environmental sustainability, in projects that involve mobility, masterplanning, revitalization strategies and urban policies. Kristian has worked with a number of leading cities, developers, organizations and NGO’s, across Europe, North America and China. Kristian has contributed to several books, exhibitions and films and is a lecturer in a number of academic institutions. I am proud to say that Kristian was a keynote speaker at ECOWEEK in Copenhagen in 2013 and a co-author of the first ECOWEEK book that was published in 2016.

Πηγή: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/vassilios-bartzokas/episodes/Kristian-Skovbakke-Villadsen--Green-Talks-e1fabms

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