
Archisearch Talks
Archisearch Talks

Vivian Doumpa. Green Talks.

GREEN TALKS : A new series of talks by ECOWEEK, Archisearch.gr and The Design Ambassador.

Welcome to the GREEN TALKS, the new series of Podcasts co-hosted by Vassilios Bartzokas creator of ARCHISEARCH.GR & the DESIGN AMBASSADOR, and architect Elias Messinas creator of ECOWEEK. In this new series the duo interviews leading Architecture and Design personalities who share their experience and how they connect Design, Sustainability and Innovation in their work.

Vivian is an urban planner and geographer, with a specialization in creative & participatory placemaking. She has international experience on placemaking and citizens’ participation in urban planning, especially in neighborhood revitalization. Throughout her work she integrates socio- cultural management, non-formal education and community building. She is an associate partner in STIPO, a Netherlands-based team for urban development, and board member of Placemaking Europe network. Through the InComon and “Kyklos - Urban Sustainability and Circularity Lab” in Thessaloniki, Greece, she develops new strategies and tools for community building and placemaking by re-framing circularity and achieving impact on local level.

Πηγή: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/vassilios-bartzokas/episodes/Vivian-Doumpa--Green-Talks-e1f3pc4

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