
A new Cold War? Navigating the US - China rift

Plamen Tonchev, Head of the Department of Asian Studies at the Institute of International Economic Relations, discusses with Odin Linardatou the new crisis in US-China relations, the possibility of a new trade war between the two countries, Taiwan and Beijing's relations with Moscow, the economic, technological and geopolitical superiority of Washington to Beijing, but also Trump's idea of displacing millions of Palestinians from Gaza and China's reaction.

Πηγή: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/eliamep0/episodes/A-new-Cold-War--Navigating-the-US---China-rift-e2up5n1

Περισσότερα επεισόδια

Germany decides: Unpacking the election results and their consequences

Ronald Meinardus, Senior Research Fellow at ELIAMEP; Coordinator of research projects on Greek - German relations, discusses with Odin Linardatou the results of the German elections, what they mean for Germany and Europe, how difficult would it be to form the new government, the causes behind the rise of the far right, how young people voted, and the deep division in Germany 35 years after its...

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