Tribute to Greek actress Tasso Kavaddia
Tasso Kavaddia was born on January 10, 1921 in Patras. She studied piano in Athens, writing and decoration in Paris, scenario and clothing with Giannis Tsarouchis, and acting at the Drama School & Art School with Karolos Koun. From 1954 until 1967, Kavaddia worked as a radio journalist and radio executive. From 1955 until 1969, she was a newspaper reporter. She had also worked as a translator. Many of her translations focused on literature texts. She played many roles in the theater and participated in many movies. She always played the role of the villain, the wicked and angry woman and that is how she is remembered although in her real life she was a sweet, dynamic woman that made big strides during her life. Listen to the podcast and find out more: