
Tribute to Greek singer Rita Sakellariou

‎Margarita‎ Sakellariou was born on ‎‎November 22,‎‎ ‎‎1934‎ in ‎‎Sitia,‎‎ ‎‎Crete‎‎.‎ Rita marries at 14, becomes a mother twice and divorces. She works with her mother at various Fertilizer factories hoping for a better future, until 1954 when she was heard singing by a group of wondering musicians. ‎She is considered the "queen" of folk song and is recognized as one of the "great" ladies of Greek song in general.‎ Listen to the podcast and find out more about the remarkable life of this legendary singer.

Πηγή: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/katerina-simbonis/episodes/Tribute-to-Greek-singer-Rita-Sakellariou-e1mtv6l

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