
Tribute to Manolis Chiotis composer, singer, bouzouki player

Manolis Chiotis: March 21, 1921 – March 20, 1970 He is considered one of the greatest bouzouki soloists of all time. He popularised the four-course bouzouki (tetrachordo) and introduced the guitar-like tuning, who found it better suited to the kind of virtuoso playing he was famous for.‎ Manolis Chiotis reportedly wrote more than 1500 songs, however, he also regularly participated as a soloist in recordings of many other folk composers. ‎‎In the 1960s, he was permanently included in a special painting of Greek artists of the ceremonial service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for the proposed entertainment of the high visitors of the country. Manolis Chiotis had sung in front of many rulers and other country leaders, and had been invited to play at the ‎‎White House‎‎ on President ‎‎Lyndon Johnson's‎‎ birthday.‎ Listen to the podcast and find out more

Πηγή: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/katerina-simbonis/episodes/Tribute-to-Manolis-Chiotis-composer--singer--bouzouki-player-e1ghck0

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Οι πρωτοι Ελληνες στο Hollywood part 1

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