
Tribute to singer Polly Panou

Polly Panou (October 28, 1940September 27, 2013) was a Greek folk singer(rebetissa). She was born in Athens on October 28, 1940, but grew up in Patras. Her real name was Polytimi Koliopanou. "Godfather" of her artistic name was Grigoris Bithikotsis, the man who discovered her in Patras and was destined to change her life. She was one of the most important voices of Greek folk music and she was a child star that  started her career while still in primery school. It is noted that Polly Panou was the first to sing "The Children of Piraeus", by Manos Hatzidakis which later became an international success. Listen to the podcast and find out more about the extraordinary life of this brilliant artist.

Πηγή: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/katerina-simbonis/episodes/Tribute-to-singer-Polly-Panou-e16l9m9

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