
#118 Open Day BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0: The Good Practices and the Fintech Future (Video)

On Thursday 26th September 2024, the Open Day of BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0 was held remotely, where the goal, the process, the available tools and the challenges presented. The Open Day had great participation with more than 50 registered participants.

This event is the kickstaring of the BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0, that will be held physically on 18th — 20th October 2023, at IDEA Innovation Center, in Nicosia.

The Open Day started with a short presentation from Mrs. Lia Ioannou, Head IT Performance & Relationship Mgt at Bank Cyprus, who explained the main goal of this initiative and the importance of innovation in the Fintech sector. Also, Mrs. Ioannou, provoked the participants to join BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0, and to enjoy the experience of the hackathon.

Afterwards, the Partners who support BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0, made a short greeting to the participants but also spread the message of support to the contestants of BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0. Meet the Supporters:

  • Georgia Kapitsaki, Associate Professor at University of Cyprus
  • Marios Kapiris, Director, Kyndryl Cyprus
  • Demetris Trihinas, Assistant Professor In Computer Science at University of Nicosia Data-Intensive initiatives AILab
  • Helen Takoudis, Account Executive Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Microsoft
  • Dr. Ourania Miliou, Education & Training Manager, CYENS
  • Constantinos Savvides, Head of University Development Office at University of Cyprus C4E

Then, the Open Day discussion was moved to the Tools, the Fintech Apps, the APIS.

Mr. Christos Nikolaou, Enterprise Architect, Bank of Cyprus, presented shortly the APIS of Bank Of Cyprus and also the way to use the APIS easy and fast.

Also, Mr. Andreas Michaelides, Chief Product Officer at Jinius by Bank of Cyprus & Aggelos Constantinidis, Technical Lead at Jinius by Bank of Cyprus, made a short presentation of the Jinius Marketplace and the usage of the Jinius APIs.

The discussion afterwards led to Good Practices and Fintech Examples. Mr. Marinos Xynarianos, Open Banking & Fintech Expert, made a short presentation about the good practices and the disruptive technologies that can change the fintech Future.

Last but not least, Mr. George Karamanolis, Co-founder, CTO/CIO from Crowdpolicy, took the floor and presented the process, the goal, and the challenges, but also all the available resources and tools and examples that the contestants can refer to at the hackathon.

Learn more: https://bit.ly/4eJrHat

BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0: https://bochackathon.com/

Register to BoC Fintech Hackathon 5.0: https://bochackathon.com/register/

Πηγή: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/innovation-talks/episodes/118-Open-Day-BoC-Fintech-Hackathon-5-0-The-Good-Practices-and-the-Fintech-Future-Video-e2plah5

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