
#23, Alex Christodoulakis, Co-founder & CEO and Kostas Faliagkas, Co-founder & CTO at Wealthyhood, discuss about the investing, entrepreneurship and importance of education in the finance space. [EN]

Alexandros Christodoulakis - CEO, Konstantinos Faliagkas - CTO at Wealthyhood, and Theodoros Kotzastavros, Open Innovation Lead at Crowdpolicy discuss about the investing, entrepreneurship and the importance of education in the finance space.

Alexandros Christodoulakis is the Co-founder & CEO at Wealthyhood, responsible for leading the product design, business development, and market reach of Wealthyhood. Previously, Alex worked as a Fixed Income Trading Strategist at Morgan Stanley and has coded multiple optimisation models and algorithms for portfolio allocation. In his career, he has led R&D teams in the design and implementation of tech products, including AI and Blockchain applications. He holds an MSc Investment & Wealth Management from Imperial, an MSc in Health Economics from LSE and a Diploma in Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens.

Konstantinos Faliagkas is the Co-founder & CTO at Wealthyhood, responsible for leading the tech strategy and development of Wealthyhood. Previously, Konstantinos worked as a Senior Software Engineer at Sony PlayStation, leading the development of the Javascript codebase for the Playstation Vue app on the PS4 console, gaining experience in B2C apps with millions of users. He holds an MSc in Analogue and Digital IC Design from Imperial and a Diploma in Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens.

Wealthyhood is the first DIY wealth-building app for long-term investors. Wealthyhood guides long-term investors to build their wealth over time by intelligently investing their money the way they want, with fewer fees. It provides the perfect mix of personalisation and automation so that even beginner investors can put their money to work for them and invest like the top-1%.

Find out more about Alexandros, Konstantinos and Wealthyhood here:

Alexandros Christodoulakis: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandros-christodoulakis/

Konstantinos Faliagkas: https://www.linkedin.com/in/konstantinos-faliagkas-6241022a/

Wealthyhood Website: https://wealthyhood.com/

Wealthyhood Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wealthyhood-invest/

Πηγή: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/innovation-talks/episodes/23--Alex-Christodoulakis--Co-founder--CEO-and-Kostas-Faliagkas--Co-founder--CTO-at-Wealthyhood--discuss-about-the-investing--entrepreneurship-and-importance-of-education-in-the-finance-space--EN-e1erqra

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