
#25, Visa Innovation Program Webinar Series | Into the Challenges "Smart and Sustainable Cities" [EN]


17:00–17:05 | Opening

17:05–17:20 | Keynote — focus on the importance of the smart and sustainable future for Visa — Katherine Brown, Vice President Inclusive Impact and Sustainability, Visa

17:20–18:00 | Discussion panel with focus on best practices

Vagelis Vlachos, Chief Executive Officer at Athens Development and Destination, Athens Municipality, Prof. Silviya ilieva, Director of Gate Institute, Bulgaria , George Karamanolis, Co-Founder, CTO/CIO, Crowdpolicy

Moderator: A.Prof. Nancy Alonisioti, Dept. Informatics and Telecommunications

18:00–18:30 | The view of startups

Showcasing: John Katsiotis, CEO — Co-founder at Parkadoro, Startup of the Visa Innovation Program cohort 3, Elena Avantagelou, CEO- Co-founder at Giving Streets — Visa Innovation Program, Cohort 2, Kutay Peker, Business Development Director of Payment Services at Utarit — SoliClub, Visa Innovation Program Cohort 3.

Moderator: Theo Kotzastavros, Innovation Officer, Crowdpolicy

Q&A — Discussion

General Moderation: Mrs. Maria Akrivou, Journalist, Fortune Greece

Apply Now for the Visa Innovation Program Season 4 till 15th March 2022:

More Information:

Πηγή: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/innovation-talks/episodes/25--Visa-Innovation-Program-Webinar-Series--Into-the-Challenges-Smart-and-Sustainable-Cities-EN-e1f2sm7

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