
2. Advanced Greek

Γεια σας! We are Despoina and Stella and you are listening to “learning Greek: a Modern Odyssey” channel! This channel is for all of you who want to learn, practice, or even just listen to Greek with a more educational character.

This will be the second season of LearningGreek: A Modern Odyssey “podcasts.

The podcasts of the second season are addressing advanced Greek speakers who want to practice their listening skills and may want to learn some new words. Therefore, if you are a beginner, you still can listen to these podcasts but don’t get disappointed if you feel that you cannot understand everything. Or you can just keep listening to the new podcasts that are coming in the first season and continue with the second season when you feel confident enough to listen to advanced Greek. At these podcasts, we will speak mainly in Greek and we are going to explain words which we believe that advanced speakers may have forgotten or they do not know.

Do not hesitate though to ask questions and give us feedback through our Instagram account.

Πηγή: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/learning-greek-a-modern-o/episodes/2--Advanced-Greek-ee27pm

Περισσότερα επεισόδια

1.27. Ταξιδιωτικό Γραφείο

-Καλημέρα! -Καλημέρα σας! Πώς μπορώ να βοηθήσω; -Θέλω ένα εισιτήριο για Θεσσαλονίκη. -Με αεροπλάνο, τρένο ή λεωφορείο; -Μμμ, δεν ξέρω. Πόσο κάνει το εισιτήριο με αεροπλάνο; -Θέλετε απλό εισιτήριο ή με επιστροφή; -Απλό. -Είναι στα 80 ευρώ. -Είναι λίγο ακριβό για εμένα. Με λεωφορείο; -Με λεωφορείο είναι 40 ευρώ. -Και έχει λεωφορείο κάθε μέρα; -Ναι, έχει κάθε μέρα, κάθε 2 ώρες. Ξεκινάει στις 6 το...

1.26. Στον μανάβη

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