
LegalMatters Podcast
LegalMatters Podcast

Training to become an Arbitrator

In this Podcast we revisit the issue of International Arbitration focusing on how to train to become an arbitrator. My guests are renowned experts in the field.

George Lambrou is  a Solicitor Advocate (England & Wales). George has extensive English High Court experience as well as international arbitration experience with the ICC, LCIA, LMAA and ICSID where he regularly sits as arbitrator. In his free time George acts as Co Director of Training for the European Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. George is fluent in Russian and Greek.

George’s LinkedIn Profile here.

Dr. Anna Plevri. Anna is an Attorney at law, member of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki (Greece) (2004 ongoing) and member of the Cyprus Bar Association (2015 ongoing).She is a certified Mediator on Civil, Commercial, Family, Workplace Disputes and ODR, a certified Mediator’s Trainer (Adr-Odr International) and an Arbitrator (Adr-Odr International, MCIArb, WMO). She is also Assistant Professor at the Department of Law University of Nicosia lecturing  Private Law and ADR.

Anna’s CV here.

Agis Georgiades, is a Barrister of Lincoln’s Inn, an Accredited Mediator and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He is also Adjunct Faculty at the School of Law of the University of Nicosia. Agis is the first Cypriot Member of the London Court of International Arbitration. He practices law at the Cypriot law firm Christos Georgiades & Associates LLC.

Περισσότερα επεισόδια

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