
Mamma Mu
Mamma Mu

Husband and wife create the new and modern online sex shop, Wiggle

There's a new sex shop in town. Online, discreet, educational and focused on female pleasure, Wiggle is a breath of fresh air in the otherwise stale and male-focused sex shop industry in Cyprus. A husband and wife team have made it their mission to create a space that feels comfortable, accessible and desire-based so on the show today they talk about the website and the products they stock, why they chose to be anonymous, what intimacy means to us and how communication is of the utmost importance in a relationship.

Explore the Wiggle website: wigglecy.com

Get 20% off everything you add to your basket by using the special code MAMMAMU

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Find Eleni aka Georgie's Mummy on Instagram and Facebook to follow her daily stories and posts. 

Email: eleni@georgiesmummy.com

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