
Mamma Mu
Mamma Mu

Yoga, Reiki, breath work and busy mums with Athena Christodoulou

Athena Christodoulou has over 20 years of experience in teaching yoga and breath work. She is also a Reiki practitioner and is on the show today to talk about the importance of chakras, affirmations, rituals and 15 minutes of daily self-care with a special focus on busy mothers.

If you would like to contact Athena for a private yoga class or a Reiki treatment call her on 99454173

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Find Eleni on Instagram and Facebook to follow her daily stories and posts. 

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Περισσότερα επεισόδια

Reshaping society: The new global Right and the World Hybrid War with international consultant Natasa Loizou

Natasa Loizou is a research consultant and certified trainer to international business and government organisations. Today on the podcast we sit down to discuss the new global Right, what it is, what is its agenda and interests, who it represents and who is backing it. We also discuss the World Hybrid War, as Natasa names it, how technology is reshaping society and how we can rebuild a...

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Παλαιστίνη, Δεξιά, Αριστερά με την Μέλανη Στέλιου

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