3x06 - Η Επιστήμη της Γενετικής Μηχανικής στο Hollywood
- Μη φοβάστε… απλώς τα γονίδια πειράζουμε.
- Gattaca
- Would you design the perfect human?
- Would you like to know when to die?
- Altered Carbon
- Dystopian future
- Bodies are replaceable (sleeves)
- Lucy
- Fully genetic modified woman
- Related to the use of the brain
- The Boys
- Anti-hero series
- A substance gives people superpowers
- Debatable the use of these “superheroes”
- Spiderman/Superman/Hulk
- X-men
- Επικοινωνία

Πηγή: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/notatop10/episodes/3x06---------Hollywood-e19s9ia