
Ouzo Talk
Ouzo Talk

The Greek Genocide – from the Minoans to the Pontians, with Panayiotis Diamadis

What do the Minoans, Hagia Sophia, the Pontians, ‘Baboula’, the Ottomans and the croissant all have in common? Not much on face value, but they all unwittingly play a role in a millennia-long journey that leads directly to the event we know as the Greek Genocide. Dr Panayiotis Diamadis has been the Vice-President of the Australian Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, and holds a Research Doctorate in Genocide Studies, where his thesis was titled "Hellenism under the Crescent: a case study in an ongoing genocide.” Panayioti takes the boys on an incredible journey through the ages that doesn’t quite go the way you might expect. From genocide denial, through to the effects on our modern Greek communities of the Diaspora, this is an episode you don’t want to miss!

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