Whose is this song?
Is it Greek? Is it Turkish? Is it Romanian? Bulgarian? Debate runs high as the boys welcome academics and writers, Eleni Eleftherias Kostakidis and Dr. Alfred L Vincent to the Distillery to discuss their latest book; Whose is This Song? Many Balkan countries and nationalities claim the song – which in Greek is known as 'Apo Kseno Topo' – but its origin may go back much further than first thought. With nationalism, uncertainty, conflicts and much more clouding the history of the tune, this dynamic duo set about writing a book in collaboration with some of the Greek community's sharpest minds including but not limited to; Dr Helen Vatsikopoulos, Professor Nick Doumanis, Billy Cotsis, and many more, to help get to the bottom of it! Whose song is it? Listen in to find out!
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