How challenging is it to work with Daniel Andrews? His new Parliamentary Secretary Greek-Australian Nick Staikos has the answer - Ένας Ελληνο-Αυστραλός στο Γραφείο του πρωθυπουργού της Βικτώριας
Greek-Australian MP for Bentleigh Nick Staikos will serve as the Victorian Premier’s Parliamentary Secretary. In his interview with SBS Greek Radio talks about his new role, its challenges, and the work that needs to be done in the key areas of jobs, education, health, and transport. - O Ελληνικής καταγωγής βουλευτής στην έδρα Bentleigh της Μελβούρνης, Νίκος Στάικος, είναι ο νέος υφυπουργός παρά τω πρωθυπουργώ της Βικτώριας, Ντάνιελ Άντριους.