

27. Population Aging New Data And New Challenges

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) DIALOGUES discuss population ageing, new data, and the unprecedented challenges posed by long-term population decline in Greece.

A steady increase in life expectancy and sustained low birth rates, in recent years, have led to continued population ageing in the Western world in general and in Greece in particular that is expected to intensify in the coming decades. On the last Wednesday of February, the SNF DIALOGUES will embark on a discussion on population ageing and Greece’s demographic evolution. Why is European ageing a major issue of concern to the European Union, and at what rate is Greece getting older? Through an open conversation with researchers and experts, the DIALOGUES will discuss the factors that drive demographic change, as well as what that change means for a country, its economy, and its social structure. What will the consequences of long-term and large-scale population decline be for Greece? What stereotypes related to aging prevail in our families, social circles, and workplaces, and how can we overcome them?

Taking part in the discussion will be:
Panagiotis Dimopoulos, Nurse (RN)
Dr. Venetia Koussia, DG Council on Competitiveness of Greece - BoD Advisor
Dr. Myrto-Maria Ranga, CEO 50plus Hellas – Psychogerontologist
Alexandra Tragaki, Professor in Economic Demography at Department of Geography at Harokopio University in Athens.
John Yfantopoulos, Professor of Health Economics and ΜΒΑ-Health Program Director, University of Athens

The DIALOGUES are curated and moderated by Anna-Kynthia Bousdoukou.

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