

DIALOGUES: Cruelty Toward Animals

How is animal cruelty defined? How do we respond to it? How did Greece come to be among the countries with the highest incidence rates of animal cruelty? On Wednesday, October 30 at 18:30, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) DIALOGUES discuss the troubling patterns of abuse and cruelty toward “man’s best friends” that are encountered in various parts of Greece, including illegal fighting and betting, as well as the impact that social media exerts on the issue.

This month’s DIALOGUES, held in the Dome at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC), will feature:

Elena Dede, Lawyer and founder of the nonprofit DOG'S VOICE
Evangelos Drivas, Clinical psychologist and police officer
Dr. Christos Karagiannis, Behavioral veterinarian
Mark Randell, Head of Hidden-In-Sight International
Thodoris Hondrogiannos, Journalist

Kalliopi Gavala, Director of Animal Zone International (AZI), will talk about the AZI’s activities in Amorgos, while Elpidoforos Pappas, Chief Operating Officer of SNFCC, will provide a brief overview of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center’s (SNFCC) efforts to care for stray animals.

The DIALOGUES are curated and moderated by Anna-Kynthia Bousdoukou.

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