


On Wednesday, February 14th, 2018, the SNF organizes the 4th event of the new monthly series DIALOGUES, regarding Eros. The event will take place at the Lighthouse of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center at 17:30 (EET).

On what is most commonly known as the Day of Love Celebration, representatives of Science, Philosophy and Arts will create a unique polyphony in an attempt to construct and deconstruct the concept of Love.

Professor of Ancient History and Classics at the Institute for Advanced Study, Mr. Angelos Chaniotis, Professor in the Department of History and Archaeology at the University of Crete and Director of the Museum of Cycladic Art, Mr. Nikos Stampolidis, Psychiatrist - Psychoanalyst and Honorary President of the Hellenic Psychiatric Association, Mr. Nikos Tzavaras and scriptwriter Ms. Mirella Papaoikonomou will shed light upon the various interpretations attributed to the concept of love, which, as a subject itself, has been a driving force for human expression and creation. The discussion will be moderated by journalist Anna-Kynthia Bousdoukou.

Περισσότερα επεισόδια

ΔΙΑΛΟΓΟΙ 54. Σύγχρονες Πολιτικές Αξίες Και Αρχαίο Δράμα

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