

DIALOGUES Greek Oktoberfest

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) organized the 11th event of its monthly series, DIALOGUES, on the occasion of Germany’s renowned Oktoberfest celebration. The event was organized in collaboration with the German Embassy in Athens, and took place on Friday, October 19, at the Panoramic Steps of the SNFCC.

The event presented the relationship between Greece and Germany, the customs of the two countries, the prevailing stereotypes surrounding the two nations and their citizens, focusing on what unites us, at an event for the “Greek Oktoberfest.”
Renowned speakers retraced the past, focusing on landmark historical moments, which have acted as milestones for the relationship between the two European countries, as well as explored the basis for cooperation, now and in the future.

Speakers to the event included:
- his Excellence the Ambassador of Germany in Athens, Mr. Jens Plötner
- the Mayor of Thessaloniki, Mr. Yiannis Boutaris
- the Coach of the Greek National Men’s Football Team, Mr. Michael Skibbe

The discussion was moderated by journalist Anna-Kynthia Bousdoukou.

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