
Startup Greece Talks
Startup Greece Talks

EP#44: Christos Ioakimidis, Co-Founder & CEO of Inteligg P.C.

Energy conservation is directly linked to a healthier living environment and a better quality of life.

Christos Ioakimidis had a passion for energy from a very young age, which he successfully converted into a genius business idea when he founded Inteligg!

Discussion's highlights:

👉 How does Inteligg offer #energy management solutions?

👉 Why can Inteligg apply its #software to any kind and size of building anywhere in the world?

👉 How big is the energy management #market?

👉 How do companies #profit from saving energy?

Πηγή: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/startup-greece/episodes/EP44-Christos-Ioakimidis--Co-Founder--CEO-of-Inteligg-P-C-e1r75uo

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