
The Mamma Mu podcast
The Mamma Mu podcast

Beyond the bi-communal narrative/ Exploring racism and social inclusion in Cyprus

Another Saturday show in English! This week Yassine Chagh joins me for a discussion on racism, social inclusion, Peacebuilding, racial justice, ethnicity, trauma and much more. Yassine is a 21-year old passionate activist, born and raised in Morocco. He now lives in the Northern part of Cyprus where he is engaging with the community as a youth activist in the field of Peacebuilding and inclusion in divided communities through multiple trainings, projects and talks held by UNFICYP. He is also a LGBTQ+ advocate,  a racial justice activist and researcher and a period equity fighter having initiated a period movement called Let's Talk Period Cyprus. Recently he has worked as a racial inclusion expert evaluator for CAN-CY.

The Mamma Mu podcast is supported by:
Okiddoky, an online concept store for cool kids and mamas

Ideal Air Purifiers, bringing clean air into your life. Discount code mammamu15

Boucles Project, an online shop that has everything you need to get your curls looking and feeling strong and healthy. Add the code georgiesmummy to your order to receive a free sample of my favourite Leave-In conditioner.

Find Eleni aka Georgie's Mummy on Instagram and Facebook
Email Eleni at eleni@georgiesmummy.com 

White Fragility: Why it's so hard for white people to talk about racism
Why I'm no longer talking to white people about race
Yearning: Race, Gender and Cultural Politics
All About Love

The Hate U Give

Red Table Talk: How the police killed Breonna Taylor: The only witness speaks out
Red Table Talk: Invisible Black Women Epidemic

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