
The Mamma Mu podcast
The Mamma Mu podcast

What is sexism, who is the trad wife and a bit of history on the institution of marriage

The Mamma Mu Saturday show comes to you in English this week courtesy of my friend Maria Pitrakkou, London based, globetrotter, activist and feminist, who came to the studio to help me answer the question of what is sexism, what types are there, how does it impact both men and women and why it matters. We also discover the trad wife aka traditional wife, who has emerged on social media in a 1950s revival of interesting/disturbing proportions.

The Mamma Mu podcast is supported by Okiddoky and Ideal Air Purifiers who are also offering a discount with the code mammamu15

You can find Maria on Instagram and her podcast My Greek Island here
You can find Eleni on Instagram and Facebook
Support the podcast with as little as 2,50 euros a month by subscribing to my Patreon

Affordable therapy online: Better help (although I think I said self help!)
BetterHelp | Professional Therapy With A Licensed Therapist
5 minute journal: https://www.intelligentchange.com/collections/all/products/the-five-minute-journal?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=8710198700&utm_content=88031047656&utm_term=5%20minute%20journal&gadid=414768787434&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjMiiBhA4EiwAZe6jQ0Qq2V4MUCNVxWi51R_PgcYMGj8IwHPUkPj8wdC4NBOjARYh5FIi0xoCpZMQAvD_BwE
Book: Laura Bates Fix the system not the women / Misogynation
Author who wrote The artists way is Julia Cameron and she talks about the concept of “morning pages”
The feminist Book society: https://www.feministbooksociety.com
Aileen Barrat: Tinder Translators the A-Z of modern misogyny
Contrapoints video The Witch Trials of JK Rowling 
Podcasts: Dear Clementine  and Man Enough 

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