
The Quarantine Tapes
The Quarantine Tapes

The Quarantine Tapes: Quotation Shorts - Octavia Butler

Today’s Quotation is care of Octavia Butler.
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Octavie E. Butler was a renowned African American author who received a MacArthur “Genius” Grant and PEN West Lifetime Achievement Award for her body of work. Born in Pasadena in 1947, she was raised by her mother and her grandmother.  She was the author of several award-winning novels including PARABLE OF THE SOWER (1993), which was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, and PARABLE OF THE TALENTS (1995) winner of the Nebula Award for the best science fiction novel published that year. She was acclaimed for her lean prose, strong protagonists, and social observations in stories that range from the distant past to the far future.

Though the MacArthur Grant made life easier in later years, she struggled for decades when her dystopian novels exploring themes of Black injustice, global warming, women’s rights and political disparity were, to say the least, not in commercial demand.  During these years of obscurity Butler, always an early riser, woke at 2 a.m. every day to write, and then went to work as a telemarketer, potato chip inspector, and dishwasher, among other things.

She passed away on February 24, 2006. At the time of her death, interest in her books was beginning to rise, and in recent years, sales of her books have increased enormously as the issues she addressed in her Afro-Futuristic, feminist novels and short fiction have only become more relevant.

From https://www.octaviabutler.com/theauthor

For more information about Octavia Butler:

Previously on The Quarantine Tapes:

Lynell George on Butler, at 17:56: https://quarantine-tapes.simplecast.com/episodes/the-quarantine-tapes-021-lynell-george

Johnny Temple on Butler, at 17:21: https://quarantine-tapes.simplecast.com/episodes/the-quarantine-tapes-167-johnny-temple

“Octavia Butler: Writing Herself into the Story”: https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2017/07/10/535879364/octavia-butler-writing-herself-into-the-story

“The Essential Octavia Butler”: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/15/books/review/the-essential-octavia-butler.html

Πηγή: https://quarantinetapes.com/episodes/the-quarantine-tapes-quotation-shorts-octavia-butler-NMbYafEf

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