
#27| Interview with Catalin - Part 7

A couple of months ago, I had the opportunity to travel  in Romania, a country in which we have amazing growth the past few  years.

In this Podcast you will listen to a spontaneous interview  we had with one of the Leaders, Catalin. I will be glad to read your  comments and learn which point you found most interesting.

I am looking forward to your comments!

Thank you for being here. My goal is to inspire you to take the next step.

Let's talk:
Facebook Page: goo.gl/VhBsw5
LinkedIn: goo.gl/a516TR
Instagram: goo.gl/9iLYwP
Twitter: goo.gl/kaL25m
Website: www.zissisahladas.com

You can find many videos in my Youtube channel: Zissis Ahladas and listen to my Podcasts in:
Soundcloud: goo.gl/8tyfSb
Itunes Podcast: goo.gl/MZqq2a
Spotify: goo.gl/x1pQBE
Google Podcasts: goo.gl/ApP6Lu

Πηγή: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zissisahladas/episodes/27-Interview-with-Catalin---Part-7-eatig0

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