
Gen Z and Media
iMEdD Podcasts

Gen Z and Media

Generation Z: What media mean to them? How does this generation perceive media? And how do they shape and are shaped by digital media trends? Students from the Department of Communication, Media & Culture at Panteion University worked in teams to produce their own podcasts under the broad theme of Gen Z and media.

Music preferences, eating habits, interpersonal relationships, activism, role models, mental health and entrepreneurship feature as some of the topics in focus.

επεισόδια 18
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01. PU Media - Conspiracy Theories Through the eyes of Gen-Z

This podcast is about how the different generations view conspiracy theories. We’re going to discuss some conspiracies that are very popular and caught our attention, such as the one where it is believed that Michael Jackson faked his death in order to escape fame, and is still alive, and a theory that has been circulating the past 3 years, where it’s believed that Bill Gates invented COVID-19...