
Ouzo Talk
Ouzo Talk

Professor Paul Cartledge – Ancient Greece

Legendary Historian, Professor Paul Cartledge, joins Ouzo Talk for a personal lecture on the Ancient Greeks. When it comes to experts, few come close to the A.G. Leventis Senior Research Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, and A.G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture in the Faculty of Classics. Add in countless documentaries, books, lectures and more to his name, and there’s no doubt that there’s much you can learn from this now honorary Spartan Citizen. One thing’s certain when it comes to Paul:  2500 years from now, the world will still be learning about the Ancient Greeks through reading sources like Herodotus, Thucidides and Plutarch… but they’ll also be reading Paul Cartledge. If you’re an ancient history buff, or want to know why Ancient Greece still matters, this is the podcast for you.

This episode is proudly brought to you by The Greek Providore. Visit https://thegreekprovidore.com.au/

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