
Ouzo Talk
Ouzo Talk

Basile Katsikis

Legendary Greek-American actor, writer and standup comedian,  Basile, couldn't resist the chance to have a drink with Tom and Nick in The Distillery – despite having only just gotten off a plane! Back on Australian shores for his 'Blame it on the Greek' World Tour, Basile is ready and raring to go as he brings his unique brand of standup not just to Greek-Australians, but everyone! With a quickly-dwindling bottle of Mastiha in tow, Basile talks everything from his Greek heritage and comedy career, his love of the NFL and hockey, to an exciting announcement that will likely see his writing work hit big screens soon. There's plenty to laugh about as the boys exchange stories between mouthfuls of food and Mastiha. It's a must-listen for comedy fans!
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Find out more about Basile:

This episode is proudly brought to you by:
The Greek Providorehttps://thegreekprovidore.com.au/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwy4KqBhD0ARIsAEbCt6gMnqYWGOXl7OF_uRmGXtvSfmYpqAQbvFDOr4TrIaspHpzbt2dRaCAaArndEALw_wcB

Meet the Greek Restauranthttps://www.meetthegreek.com.au/

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