
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Alex Patelis discusses vaccine certificates, tourism, and attracting digital nomads to Greece

This week the EU announced a proposal for a vaccine certificate called a Digital Green Pass that will let people who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus travel more freely. This has been a key priority for Greece, which relies on tourism for a fifth of its economic output and is keen to revive travel before the summer season. Alex Patelis, the chief economic adviser to the Prime Minister of Greece, joins The Greek Current to talk about the EU vaccine certificate and the outlook from Athens for this year’s tourism season. We also look at how the Greek government is working to attract digital nomads, Greeks who left during the financial crisis, and investors to Greece.

Alex Patelis is the chief economic adviser to the Prime Minister of Greece.

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here: 

EU to propose vaccine certificates in time for summer holidays

Spain may allow in Covid-vaccinated UK tourists if no EU pass agreed

EU vaccine passport: An ethical and legal minefield?

Erdogan Vows to Strengthen Rule of Law in Turkey to Appease EU

Coming period packed with Cyprus Problem diplomacy

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

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