
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Alexandroupoli: A center for US-Greek cooperation

Increased US-Greek cooperation at the port of Alexandroupoli has highlighted its geostrategic significance for the transatlantic alliance, becoming a key element in shaping the bilateral relationship. As the port sees increased activity, many locals believe that increasing operations at the port and railroad will eventually benefit the rest of Evros as well, bringing new businesses and well-paid jobs to the region and motivating locals to stay. Steven Tagle, who is currently based in Alexandroupoli, joins The Greek Current to talk about the significance of this port city for the US-Greece relationship, look into the plans currently underway to upgrade the port, and explore how local residents view these developments.

Steven Tagle is a fellow from the Institute of Current World Affairs funded by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. He previously served as speechwriter for the US Embassy in Athens and as a Fulbright Fellow in Greece. 

Read Steven Tagle's latest dispatch from Alexandroupoli here: US military operations reflect Greece’s strategic significance

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

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Greece to raise minimum wage again this year, PM says

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Turkey, Armenia hold first talks on normalising ties in years

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