
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Berlin steps up diplomatic efforts to reduce tensions in the East Med

Tensions remain high in the Eastern Mediterranean, where Turkey’s Oruc Reis research vessel, accompanied by Turkish ships, remains in Greece’s continental shelf and exclusive economic zone. In the meantime, Greece’s navy and air force is preparing to conduct military exercises in the area beginning Tuesday, while Berlin is stepping up its diplomatic efforts for a resumption of talks between Greece and Turkey. Vassilis Nedos, Kathimerini’s diplomatic and defense editor, is with us from Athens with the latest news.

You can read the articles we discuss on The Daily Roundup here:

Athens draws red line on sea surveys

German mediation to continue with Maas visit

Greece plans Mediterranean navy exercises; Turkey objects

Greece irked by Germany in standoff with Turkey

Cyprus denies unlawful citizenships but vows to examine Al Jazeera list

Al Jazeera ‘probe’ a smear campaign

New Covid-19 infections drop, with 170 cases reported

Greece tells Students to wear masks when schools reopen Sept. 7

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