
Can lessons from past wildfires help save Greece's forests?

Last week Greece - and the region of Attica where Athens is located - suffered another major wildfire that threatened the suburbs of Athens and burned an area almost twice the size of Manhattan. This wildfire came a year after Greece experienced Europe’s largest ever wildfire on record, which burned over half of the Dadia National Park. John Psaropoulos joins Thanos Davelis as we return from a brief summer break to look back at the latest devastating wildfire that tore through Attica, and look at how lessons from the past can help save Greece’s forests. 

John Psaropoulos is an independent journalist and Al Jazeera's correspondent in southeast Europe. He publishes Hellenica, a weekly deep dive into Greek current affairs and history. You can find it on Substack.com.

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

How lessons from past fires could help save Greece’s forests and farmland

Expert: EU, Greece should change mentality to face future wildfires

New round of surveys begin off Kasos

Tackling the housing shortage with vacant properties

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

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