
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

EPP's Manfred Weber calls for actions, not words from Turkey

Manfred Weber, the leader of the European People's Party group in the European Parliament and a Member of the European Parliament since 2004, joins The Greek Current to discuss the EU-Turkey relationship and where it is heading, his view on the talks between Greece and Turkey and the need for Ankara to take concrete steps to show it is serious about conflict resolution, and more. 

We need actions more than words from Turkey

EU and AstraZeneca in 'step forward' on vaccines

EU toughens rules on entry for non-EU visitors

AstraZeneca to deliver 9M more coronavirus vaccine doses to EU

Turkey's Erdogan says may begin working on new constitution

Erdogan says Turkey needs new constitution

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

Περισσότερα επεισόδια

A plan to make Europe more competitive: Will leaders heed Draghi's call to action?

Mario Draghi recently released a report on Europe’s competitiveness that has sparked debate across the continent. The report, which shows Europe lagging behind the US and China in a number of areas, has many asking if the continent’s leaders will heed his call to action. Jacob Kirkegaard, a nonresident senior fellow with the Peterson Institute for International Economics and senior fellow at...