
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

EU leaders prepare to talk Turkey at crucial summit

This week, Brussels is at the center of a number of important developments. These include the upcoming EU summit where European leaders will examine the bloc’s relationship with Turkey, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s meeting with the foreign ministers of NATO in his first official trip outside the US, which took place on Tuesday. Amidst these developments, there’s an ongoing debate on the EU’s handling of the pandemic and its vaccine rollout that leaders will have to tackle. 

Yannis Palaiologos, Kathimerini’s Brussels correspondent, joins us with the latest on the ground report from Brussels. 

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

Cyprus rejects EU draft on Turkey which seeks to deepen trade ties

Cyprus, Greece mount pressure for revision of EUCO conclusions

EU plan for tougher controls on vaccine exports

US, Turkey remain divided over purchase of Russia’s S-400s

Secretary Blinken’s Meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu

Greece kicks off events for bicentenary of independence war

Foreign Relations Committee Approves Menendez Resolution Honoring Greece’s 200th Independence Day

Erdogan urges investors to trust Turkey's economy, potential

Erdogan calls on Turks to help stabilize the lira as investors fear a monetary crisis

Erdogan calls on Turks to help shore up economy

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Περισσότερα επεισόδια

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