
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Gates of Fire, Ancient Greece, and more with Steven Pressfield

Steven Pressfield is the author of Gates of Fire, the bestselling novel on the Battle of Thermopylae, Tides of War, a novel on Alcibiades and the Peloponnesian War, and more works on Ancient Greece. Gates of Fire is one of the top 50 books on The Leader's Bookshelf, is on the Commandant’s Reading List for all ranks since 2002, is required reading for all officers in the US Marine Corps, and required reading at Annapolis and West Point.

Check out his website here for information on his latest work and to purchase his books: https://stevenpressfield.com/

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

Περισσότερα επεισόδια

A plan to make Europe more competitive: Will leaders heed Draghi's call to action?

Mario Draghi recently released a report on Europe’s competitiveness that has sparked debate across the continent. The report, which shows Europe lagging behind the US and China in a number of areas, has many asking if the continent’s leaders will heed his call to action. Jacob Kirkegaard, a nonresident senior fellow with the Peterson Institute for International Economics and senior fellow at...

Central Bank standoff in Libya fuels fears of new conflict

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