
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Greece eases lockdown restrictions and steps up its vaccination campaign

This week Greece decided to relax some of its lockdown measures, even as it’s seeing a record number of infections that’s straining hospitals to their limits. The government followed up on this decision by unveiling its roadmap for the country’s gradual return to normal economic and social activities. Prime Minister Mitsotakis also announced that Greece will be stepping up its vaccination campaign, saying that Greece will double the number of vaccinations administered in the coming weeks. Journalist Nikos Efstathiou is with us to analyze the latest data and the moves by Athens to tackle the pandemic. 

Nikos Efstathiou is a journalist with Kathimerini who until recently also worked in communications with the World Health Organization country office in Greece.

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here: 

Greece to step up vaccination rate, says PM; criticises slow EU rollout

Gov’t unveils its roadmap to normality

Greek coast guard units harassed during migrant patrol

Greece accuses Turkey of escorting migrant smuggling boats

Greece accuses Turkey of trying to provoke it with migrant boats

Pro-Kurdish legislator who lost seat is detained in Turkey

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

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