
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Greece, the migration crisis, and the ongoing negotiations over the EU's migration pact

Developments in Greece and at the EU level this week have put the migration crisis back in the spotlight. On Monday Greece declared that Turkey is a safe destination for asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Somalia and Syria. In theory this could stem the number of arrivals at Greece borders, as it would allow it to return asylum-seekers from these countries to Turkey. In the meantime, the migration issue was on the agenda of the EU Home Affairs Council meeting on Tuesday, as efforts continue in order to get the European Commission’s proposed migration initiative back on track. 

Yannis Palaiologos, Kathimerini’s Brussels correspondent, joins us on The Greek Current to break down the latest developments. 

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here: 

EU powerhouses ask Greece to do more to take back migrants

On migration pact, EU may finally try ‘break-it to make-it’ strategy

Greece says many migrants in Turkey could seek asylum there

Decision shuts the door on asylum seekers

Mediterranean countries give green light to deal on EU asylum agency

Auditor: EU’s Frontex border agency can’t fulfill its duties

US CDC eases travel recommendations on 61 countries, including Greece

Wide disparities in vaccination rates among localities and age groups

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