
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Marc Pierini on EU-Turkey relations and the price of a positive agenda

The list of divergences between Ankara and European capitals at the moment is long, from human rights to the Eastern Mediterranean. It's against this background that EU leaders will meet to examine the bloc’s relations with Turkey at a summit on March 25-26.  Ambassador Marc Pierini - the author of the recent piece “The Price of a Positive EU-Turkey Agenda” - joins The Greek Current to look at where EU-Turkey relations are as we approach this summit, and to discuss what concrete actions the EU should expect from Ankara if there is to be a positive agenda.

Ambassador Marc Pierini is a visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe, where his research focuses on developments in the Middle East and Turkey from a European perspective. Pierini was a career EU diplomat from 1976 to 2012, and served as EU ambassador and head of delegation to Turkey from 2006 to 2011. 

Read Ambassador Marc Pierini’s latest piece here: The Price of a Positive EU-Turkey Agenda

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here: 

Borrell: EU will never accept a two-state Cyprus solution

Merkel calls for broad-mindedness, compromise in Cyprob talks

Cyprus: EU stands ready to help restart dormant peace talks

Start work on vaccination certificates, von der Leyen tells EU

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

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