
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

North Macedonia's mixed signals about the Prespa agreement

All eyes in Athens were on North Macedonia this weekend, as its new government and prime minister were sworn in. While Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski referred to his country as “North Macedonia” when taking his oath, his statements regarding the Prespa Agreement have not been reassuring, and Greece has warned that the a la carte implementation of Prespa is a violation of the agreement. Professor James Ker-Lindsay, who has worked extensively on the EU, the Balkans and Southeast Europe, joins Thanos Davelis to look into the mixed signals the new government in Skopje is sending about the Prespa agreement, and discuss the broader risks this poses for the region.

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

Athens ready to alert EU over Prespa Agreement violation

Will North Macedonia become Orban’s Balkan gateway?

New North Macedonia PM describes country’s constitutional name as ‘shameful’

Albanian court to decide on appeal of jailed ethnic Greek mayor-elect, MEP

In Greece, Another Tourist Found Dead Amid Scorching Heat Wave

City of Athens braces for fresh heatwave

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

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