
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

The far right, New Democracy's "pyrrhic victory" and the battle over Greece's center left

The European elections this past weekend saw far right parties gain ground in a number of countries. Greece was not an exception, with the party Greek Solution more than doubling its support since the last elections. Beyond the far right’s gains, the ruling New Democracy did not hit its target, describing the results as a “pyrrhic victory”, while the battle for second place between SYRIZA and PASOK proved inconclusive. Meanwhile, in Cyprus, a 24 year old YouTuber made political waves finishing third. Nektaria Stamouli, the deputy editor in chief of Kathimerini's English Edition and Politico's Eastern Mediterranean correspondent, joins Thanos Davelis with the latest analysis from Athens.

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

Where did all the far-right votes come from?

Nine new hands and 12 old ones heading to Strasbourg

SYRIZA members urge overture to center-left parties following election results

PM rules out snap election, hints at reshuffle

Greece sends aid to raging Cyprus wildfire

Houses burnt down in out-of-control Paphos wildfire

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

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