
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

The link between human rights concerns in Turkey and regional security

On Friday, In Defense of Christians hosted an event focusing on the national security concerns and human rights violations in Turkey that need to be addressed by the United States. This event was especially timely as human rights in Turkey are back in the spotlight — both with the alleged human rights reforms that Erdogan is proposing and the crackdown on opposition lawmakers and parties. Since this recording was made, Turkey also withdrew from the Istanbul Convention, an international agreement aimed at preventing violence against women. 

Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou and HALC’s Executive Director Endy Zemenides, who were both featured panelists, join The Greek Current to talk about this event and more. 

Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou is an internationally recognized leader on issues of religion and human rights, and a previous Vice Chair and Commissioner on the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. Dr. Prodromou is also a faculty member at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, where she directs the Initiative on Religion, Law, and Diplomacy.

Watch the IDC briefing here: The U.S. Must Address National Security Concerns & Human Rights Violations in Turkey

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

Turkey's lira plunges after Erdogan fires central bank head

Turkish lira falls 15% after bank governor sacked

‘People are just shocked’: Turkey’s lira plunges after Erdogan sacks third central bank chief in two years

Borrell report warns Turkey of ‘political and economic consequences’

Dendias welcomes Borrell’s report, points out omissions

EU sanctions remain on the table, Germany warns Turkey ahead of EU summit

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

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