
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

The Russia-NATO crisis puts Turkey's balancing act between Moscow and the West to the test

The Russia-NATO crisis over Ukraine is putting Turkey’s balancing act between Moscow and the West into renewed focus. Because it is a NATO country, and because Russia has been building a strategic relationship with Ankara since 2016 to counter NATO on missile defense, Turkey’s decisions are going to be watched carefully in Moscow, Washington, and Brussels should the Ukraine-Russia crisis escalate. Ambassador Marc Pierini joins The Greek Current to explain why a military escalation in and around Ukraine would endanger Turkey’s relationship with Russia, impair its participation in NATO operations, or possibly both. 

Marc Pierini is a visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe, where his research focuses on developments in the Middle East and Turkey from a European perspective. Prior to this, Pierini was a career EU diplomat, and served as EU ambassador to Turkey (2006–2011).

Read Ambassador Pierini’s latest piece in Carnegie Europe: The Russia-NATO Crisis Tests Turkey’s Balancing Policy

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