
The US election and the stakes for Greece

A few weeks ago it looked like former President Donald Trump was in the driver’s seat of the presidential election. In the last 10 days, however, President Biden dropped out of the race and Vice President Kamala Harris essentially locked up the nomination. William Antholis, the director and CEO of the University of Virginia’s Miller Center of Public Affairs, joins Thanos Davelis to look at how this is shaking up the presidential race in the US, and break down what President Biden’s decision - and the candidacy of Vice President Harris - means for America’s partners and allies, including Greece.

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

William J. Antholis: The US election is far from decided

Drama in the US raises stakes for Greece, too

Greece nominates Tzitzikostas as EU commissioner

Theodoros Tselidis Wins Bronze in Judo, Delivers Greece’s First Medal at Paris 2024

Judoka Thodoris Tselidis wins Greece’s first medal at Paris Olympics

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