
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Turkey announces halt in research for oil and gas in the East Med

On Tuesday Turkey announced that it will halt research for oil and gas in the Eastern Mediterranean in an area located within the Greek continental shelf. Kathimerini’s diplomatic and defense editor Vassilis Nedos discusses the diplomatic efforts that took place to deescalate tensions and the ongoing situation.

You can read the articles we discuss on the Daily Roundup here:

Turkey’s halt of activities welcomed

Athens says only issues are continental shelf, sea zones

«Μορατόριουμ» με πολλά ερωτήματα

Turkey passes law extending sweeping powers over social media

Turkey's MPs vote to tighten grip on social media

Unficyp raft resolution adopted by UN Security Council with minor changes

UNFICYP renewal invokes reactions

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

Περισσότερα επεισόδια

Greece and the growing rift between the US and Europe

The past few months have rocked the Transatlantic relationship, as European leaders try to come to terms with a growing rift between Europe and the US that ranges from Ukraine to questions about America’s overall commitment to European defense and security. As the gap between Europe and America widens, this is also raising key questions in Greece, a key US ally and member of the EU. Ian Lesser,...