
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Turkey moves to disband pro-Kurdish party, expels HDP legislator

In the latest crackdown on Turkey’s pro-Kurdish opposition party, the HDP, Turkish authorities on Wednesday stripped Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu, a prominent HDP legislator and human rights advocate, of his parliamentary seat. Meanwhile, a prosecutor filed a case with Turkey’s highest court, seeking the HDP’s disbandment. The HDP has come under intensified pressure recently, with the far-right nationalist allies of President Erdogan’s party calling for it to be banned. The moves against Gergerlioglu and the HDP come weeks after Erdogan pledged a series of human rights reforms.

Merve Tahiroglu, the Turkey Program Coordinator at the Project on Middle East Democracy, joins The Greek Current with a breaking analysis.

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:  

Top Turkish prosecutor files case to close pro-Kurdish HDP

Turkey expels pro-Kurdish legislator, seeks to disband party

Call me? US-Turkey reset faces long list of hurdles

Greece Declares It’s Back in Bond Markets After Near-Record Sale

Greece sees high demand for 30-year bond, to ease debt costs

Covid: EU unveils 'digital green certificate' to allow citizens to travel

EU plans rollout of travel certificate before summer

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