
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Turkey's attempted "reset" with the US, Brett McGurk and Syria, and political uncertainty in Ankara

Journalist Amberin Zaman analyzes Turkey's latest attempts at a diplomatic “reset” with the United States, and discusses what is in store for the US-Turkey relationship as the new Biden administration takes over. We also take a look at Syria, and whether the appointment of Brett McGurk to the National Security Council will cause more friction in US-Turkish relations. Finally, we break down recent reports that point to a rift in the governing coalition in Turkey, and examine if that means early elections may be on the horizon.

Amberin Zaman is a roving staff correspondent for Al-Monitor covering the Middle East, with a particular focus on Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. Prior to Al-Monitor, Amberin Zaman served as The Economist's Turkey correspondent between 1999 and 2016.

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here: 

Turkey's nationalists threaten AKP alliance with calls to ban pro-Kurdish party

Turkey's scapegoating of McGurk rooted in revisionism

Can Syria be stitched back together again?

Turkey launches charm offensive to ease tensions with EU

EU, Turkey cautiously eye improved ties after tough 2020

Athens eyes even stronger ties with US

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

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