
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Under the spotlight: Femicide in Turkey

Rates of violence against women are alarmingly high in Turkey, where femicide and efforts to roll back legislation designed to protect women are currently under the spotlight. Ayla Jean Yackley, an Istanbul based journalist covering Turkey, discusses this troubling trend. 

Read Ayla Jean Yackley's latest piece in the Financial Times covering this issue: Murders of women in Turkey: ‘The state cannot shield us’

You can read the articles we discuss on The Daily Roundup here:

Turkey considering quitting treaty on violence against women

PM calls on Turkey to ‘stop provocations’ to start dialogue

US warship arrives in Crete as Greece-Turkey standoff escalates

EU's Michel expresses solidarity with Greece, Cyprus over East Med tensions

European leaders mix condemnation and caution on Belarus

EU blasts Belarus elections, readies sanctions against Lukashenko government

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