
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

US Treasury Department report highlights Islamic State’s "logistical hubs" in Turkey

The Islamic State terror group was largely defeated through a coordinated international effort almost two years ago. A recent unclassified report by the US Treasury Department, however, points out that its networks appear to still have access to an estimated $100 million in cash reserves, adding that the Islamic State’s remnants in Syria continue to receive streams of cash from “logistical hubs” in neighboring Turkey. 

Dr. Aykan Erdemir, the Director of the Turkey Program at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a former Turkish lawmaker, joins The Greek Current to analyze this Treasury Department report.

Read Aykan Erdemir’s latest brief here: Treasury Report Highlights Turkey as Islamic State’s Logistical Hub

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here: 

Greece to repay €3.1 bln to the IMF early

Erdogan says will not let Turkish university protests swell

Turkey’s Erdogan describes student protesters as terrorists

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